The Animal Behavior Center
Lara Joseph
Professional Animal Behavior Consultant & Trainer
Member of:
Prices are discounted the more consecutive days attended and the more people that come together up to three days with a maximum of four people per group. Book A Day with the Trainer and receive a discount to a Level I or II Membership to continue guidance all year long!
Have you ever wished you could spend a day with a trainer to see first-hand how they train, how they deal with daily behavior issues, and have that opportunity to implement their techniques with a variety of species of animals? Have you ever wondered how they deal with aggression when it happens, reinforce alternative behaviors, train new behaviors, and keep all of the animals under control? Well now you can. Come and spend a day with Lara Joseph and the staff here at The Animal Behavior Center. Join us behind-the-scenes and experience first hand how we work with a variety of species of animals using applied behavior analysis and positive reinforcement. You will have the day with Lara to discuss approaches, discuss your behavior concerns, watch how the techniques are implemented, and have hands-on training opportunities with Lara’s guidance.
The day includes discussion, training, local travel while here, and lunch. The day begins at 10am and will wrap up around 4pm.
There are two packages available for A Day With The Trainer.
Individual: (one person) Come one, two or three days. If coming more than one day, each day must be consecutive with a maximum of three days.
Group: Groups are more than one person but no more than four people total. If coming as a group you must either be from the same organization or agree to come together and work together. Questions asked will be addressed to the whole group. Come one, two or three days. If coming more than one day, each day must be consecutive with a maximum of three days.
Contact Lara to plan your Day With The Trainer
Over the past several years I have been lucky enough to spend time with Lara and the animals at The Animal Behavior Center. Lara has developed an amazing and truly unique educational facility. As a long-time dog trainer (25 years +) I came to The Animal Behavior Center for the opportunity to learn about and work with new species. Lara’s depth of knowledge about all things bird-related is impressive. But even more impressive is her obvious devotion to the well-being of all the animals in her care and her dedication to positive reinforcement as a basis for her training.
I really admire Lara’s focus on education and freely sharing information related to animal care and training. She works hard to improve the lives of all animals by helping others learn more about scientifically based training methods based on mutual respect and affection.
If you ever have the opportunity to visit The Animal Behavior Center or learn from Lara take it! You will not be disappointed. Lara and her animals are excellent ambassadors for the power of positive reinforcement based training.
Deborah Jones, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology Kent State University at Stark
As a professional trainer, I believe that continued education is really important. I also think it is important to be thoughtful about where you invest your time and money in terms of learning opportunities. Travelling from California to Ohio to spend two days doing Lara Joseph’s Day with the Trainer was so worth it on so many levels. I learned so much. Lara was very committed to working on what I wanted to focus on. She made me feel comfortable and relaxed in her coaching and teaching. Lara and her animals are wonderful teachers and I have every intention of going back to train with them again as soon as I can! I highly recommend this program to anyone who is interested in animal training or behavior.
Vicki Ronchette
CPDT, CAP2, CNWI San Leandro, California
Thank you Lara for the wonderful work you do at the Animal Behavior Center. You are a “Deliverer of Awesomeness”.
Before meeting you, I had been successful at clicker and target training with positive reinforcement that worked well in some birds and animals that responded to my few methods.
For all the ones that didn’t respond to my early learned methods, I ignorantly thought them unteachable and dismissed them. Oh, how I was wrong. My gosh, I just didn’t know and I’m still learning.
Lara, you opened the door for me years ago to understand the science and application of ABA and OC. I get it, and I love it. Over the past few years I have been successfully reaching most any animal with whom I come in contact (wild, domestic, exotic, young, old, angry, disabled, afraid, etc.). My confidence and my ability as a trainer have risen to levels I never thought achievable. My personal relationships with people are also benefiting. I am such a behavior geek now and look every opportunity to provide +R where appropriate. I continue my education, passionate and thirsty for new data and understanding. Having experienced ABA and OC, I see it as much an Art as it is a Science and that has allowed me to venture away from textbook training and recipes and to explore my artistic side. Rewarding artistic improvements in my methods, however small, has led to some accidental leaps towards my own self-improvement as a person and a trainer.
I encourage anyone who desires a stronger relationship with their pet/companion or who wants to delve deep into behavior analysis to check out the help, training and resources that Lara and the staff at the Animal Behavior Center provide.
Chris Armstrong
As someone who does zoo work and runs my own live animal education program, I am quite aware of the impact good quality training can have. After my first meeting with Lara, I knew she was someone in whom I could trust. I have gotten to know her as a colleague and collaborator but I have also had the pleasure of watching her train my own personal birds. Her incredible perception of the subtle cues that many ignore is quite amazing to me. Her common sense approach and her ability to feel her way through training sessions is apparent. Her quick instincts make her one of the most flexible and adaptive personalities with which I’ve had the pleasure of working. I am so thankful for her continued service to our animals and their caretakers.
Jason J. Crean
As a board member and co-conference chair of the Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitator’s Association we have had Lara speak at our conference the last two years. The first year, we had Lara teach a one hour session and our attendees told us that they wanted more. The following year, we had Lara offer a half day workshop and it was very well received as our conference evaluations indicated.
We were able to watch Lara work wild animals. Lara also offered us an opportunity to observe her in action but more importantly we were offered many hands on opportunities to put in action her methods of positive reinforcement training.
Upon our return to our facility I began to implement the methods that I learned from Lara with some of our education animals. I was totally amazed at how readily our animals took to the training.
I would strongly recommend Lara’s trainings as she is a wonderful teacher and truly has a gift working with animals.
Manon VanSchoyck
Executive Director Ohio Nature Education Johnstown, Ohio