Rico is our 19-year-old Umbrella cockatoo and the love of Lara’s life. Lara has had Rico since he was 5 months old. He’s quick, witty, manipulative and thrives on the attention of visitors. He’ll do somersaults on his perch, flapping his wings vibrantly when visitors come to the Center.
Rocky is our 25-year-old Moluccan cockatoo and the mascot of The Animal Behavior Center. He’s our mascot because his story is the reason Lara went back to college studying master level classes in Applied Behavior Analysis to learn how to do better by him. Lara adopted Rocky when he was 8-years old and was going to be euthanized for his aggressive behaviors. Through determination and education, Rocky is now the sweetest bird at the Center and loves to be held by everyone. He loves singing, dancing, and talking to people and also thrives on attention. We’ve nicknamed him Rocky Valentine because all who meet him fall in love with him.
Koko is our 50+year-old Umbrella cockatoo adopted by the Center 7 years ago. He also thrives on attention but you have to earn it and you can earn it through training him. One of his biggest positive reinforcers is being touched and adored. All love him, and he makes the cutest vocalizations, especially when being cuddled
Levi is our 10-year-old Olde English Bulldog. He was adopted by the Center at the age of 11 weeks when we were notified he was going to be euthanized because he was born deaf. Levi has been a great educator to the public on how to live-with, train, and interact with a deaf animal. He’s a love-bug and extremely smart. He was raised and train by Lara and Quincy, the Rottweiler. Levi and Quincy were the dynamic duo together and never went anywhere without one another.
Quincy is our Rottweiler, who was recently put to sleep due to advanced-stage spinal cancer. Quincy was the protector of all animals and workers at The Animal Behavior Center. She was in all of our workshops and live-streamed services, educating the public on using Applied Behavior Analysis in training and working with animals. All of us and our followers dearly miss her. Rest in peace, sweet girl.
Snow is our deaf and blind border collie/Aussie mix. She was adopted by the Center at the age of ten weeks old when we were informed about her at a shelter in North Carolina. Lara adopted her knowing she would be a great educator to the public of those wanting to know how to use touch to train a deaf and blind animal. Snow is very attached to Lara and the workers. You would never know she’s deaf and blind if someone didn’t tell you. She is also one of the guard dogs of the Center and its residents, and she does that very well. She often knows we have a visitor before we know.
Marula is our 11-year-old turaco. He was adopted from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah. He was looking for a home and Best Friends knew a turaco was one of my dream birds. He captivates visitors with his striking colors, especially seen in flight. Turacos are known to be nervous birds and we immediately began training him to take food from our hands, fly to our hands, and fly to particular perches. He can often be seen flying around the enrichment room of our Center.
Kooky is our 8-year-old Laughing Kookaburra. She was trained at the Center for the past five years as an education Kookaburra. She was adopted by the Center in 2022. Kooky is often seen flying around the bird room at the Center and loves to perch near windows, keenly aware of what is going on outside. She vocalizes when she sees her favorite people. She’s quick at hunting and catches insects in flight. She’ll follow you anywhere for a super worm. She’s a pure joy to be with and is an awesome ambassador of her species.
The Animal Behavior Center has consistent temporary resident animals that come to us for periods of time from other organizations for training. The current temporary residents are Fred and Wilma, the Black casqued hornbills, Bruce, the American alligator, Jellybean, the Curl-crested aracari, and Blu and Jewel, the Hyacinth macaws. Stay tuned for more education animals that are being acquired by The Animal Behavior Center this fall.
Do you belong to an animal organization interested in having your program animal come in for training? Contact us here.